
3G Iphone Fuckery...

So yesterday I get a text from my wonderful store stating that I won the January contest for the 3G iPhone. Background info: Even though I sell the iPhone 3G on a daily basis, as an employee I can't buy one yet! Why?! I don't know. Call it another formidable plot from "The Man"...lol. So you can just imagine my excitement as I did the booty dance to rejoice in my winnings. Here's where fuckery sets in. Suddenly told I can't use the 3G iPhone as my work phone because I'm transferring to a different market in the company soon. And the inventory aka MY IPHONE has to stay within the market. WTF?!?! I will admit, I wasn't the #1 or #2 rep in the store, but I was third. The other two reps already have their iPhones. I am constantly reminded by my LACK of one on a consistent basis. SMFH. Anyway, since I can't get the phone, they won't even give a sista a gift card. Nothing but a pat on the back saying "Great Job?". Thanks. The way I look at it, I'll just buy the phone for myself with some of my tax return money.

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