
Happy Birthday to Me!!!!!

I had a wonderful day filled of pampering & well-needed relaxation. Best part of it was spending it with my wonderful fiance & friends. Not to mention I received my new laptop (I'm a Mac now!!!!). Another year has come & gone, yet I'm still standing :). Thank you Jesus! That is all....LOL


No Pain, No Gain

This is the latest addition of ink to my body, and I couldn't be happier. I'm at an even number of 10 now, which makes me happy because I don't like odd numbers (in regards to tattoos) much. My goal originally WAS 12. Things have changed, & I haven't put a limit on how many I may get. If I feel the need to get another, I will :)

SN: this latest tat is on my left side, on my ribs pretty much.
Did it hurt?
Yeah, but I hid the pain well ;)


Hello, My Name Is....

CHEVY :) Last Thursday I became the proud owner of a 10 month old Chihuahua. I thought to rename him & train him to recognize himself as Riley (I own a hamster who I named Huey. I enjoy the Boondocks.) Chevy recognizes him name already & was housebroken when I acquired him so I guess it all worked out. I wanted to post something earlier about him, but he almost was sold because he chewed up the blinds in my bedroom....BADLY. My fiancee immediately posted an ad on eBay classifieds to get rid of him. I was heartbroken at first, but with convincing she decided to let him have another chance & so far he's been doing fantastic. Leverage was to re-train him to not have this bad habit instead of replacing him with a dog that would probably do the same thing.