
I Have a Confession...

There is something that I want to reveal to the cyberworld and real world simultaneously for those that don't know. For those of you who do, apologies for the repetitive notification of my announcement: I'm bisexual :). There I said it. LOL. Actually, I've been bisexual for quite some time, I just finally decided to face it. On top of me being bisexual, I've found a wonderful woman to have a relationship with. So in essence, my bisexuality has strong potential developing into homosexuality. Quite frankly, the way I feel is that as long as I'm in a happy, loving, healthy, forward-thinking relationship with someone I could care less which gender they are. Just so happens that my happiness is packaged in the form of woman.

Now I know that there are some ppl out there who might think that this is simply a phase, but this has actually been a mental & emotionally evolutional journey I've been on since the age of 8. Yeah, you read it right, 8 YEARS OLD. And no, I wasn't confused at that age either...I knew exactly what the hell I was doing. LMAO.

There is one challenge that I face: telling my family. As of right now, my cousin (who is gay btw) Toya knows. "Coming out" to her was soooo hilarious. I really didn't have to say anything except for "hey I've got something to tell you that no one else in the family knows". Followed by her response. "you don't even have to say anything else...finally, I'm glad you realized it." So to know that I have the support of one family member is tight. The person I'm most concerned about is my mother. I don't think she'll flip out or disown me, but I know she'll have disappointment and questions - lots of them. Advice given to me is that I shouldn't just tell her, I should wait until she asks questions. I don't know. I guess, we'll see...I'll keep ya USPS :)

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