
Are you ready?

Welcome to my universe to talk about anything that comes across my mind. Sit back, relax, and enjoy yourself as I bring you along on the journey. Today's topic: S-E-X. Yeah, I took it there. And I'm not going to apologize for it. I'm a grown ass woman who's completely comfortable with my thoughts, feelings, and actions as they pertain to sex. Quite honestly I think that women think about sex, just as much if not more, than men do. And despite what has been beaten into our heads by society, there's nothing wrong with that. In the book I'm currently reading A Good Girl's Guide to Bad Girl Sex, it shows women how to re-program their minds so that they see their sexual, sensual appetites as beautiful. So far I've learned that I discovered the bad girl within a loooong time ago, but it doesn't hurt to have a refresher course. As Dr. Barbara Keesling so delicately puts it, we don't starve our physical appetites, so why do we starve our sexual ones?

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