I'm at the point in my life where I feel that if I make a decision, but don't share my descision with the majority or any of my family members, that's okay as long as the decision doesn't have a great impact on anyone. For example, I recently moved into a 2 BR apartment with my fiancee. My family in unaware of my engagement, as well as the move. In essence, the move was very simplistic. I moved from one end of the street to the other end. I kept the same unit number, but just acquired a different building number. The person that I think would be alarmed the most is my mother. I think she'd be upset because I decided to move without telling her, and that I moved my partner in with me. More so the latter because then it would solidify her fear that I was gay in her mind. Though I'm in a homosexual relationship, I don't have a label for it. Outsiders looking in would describe me as gay, but I just see myself in a healthy, loving relationship. I didn't fall in love with my fiancee's gender. I fell in love with the person that she is, and how I feel when I'm with her. I know that we are an excellent team together, and that certainly counts for something in my eyes. I just hope that one day my mother can see my happiness for what it is. *back to the main topic of this blog*
At what age will my family realize that I'm an adult? I feel like I'm at that point where I'm expecting more from them. I guess that I have to consider my family really cares about my well-being & what not, but damn, can I live?! Can I breathe?!