
So Blessed to Have my Life...

So last night I'm driving home from work, and I'm oblivious to the tornado warning in effect. To me, it's just raining really bad outside. So given the present weather conditions, I do the speed limit making sure that I try to avoid all possible road hazards. Everything is going well until my vehicle decides to "hydroplane" and spin three times in the middle of the interstate. Once I finally get the car stopped, I'm facing oncoming traffic. I remember shrieking something, but my head didn't hit anything. My body jerked something serious. In the moments I saw headlights staring me in the face, I just thanked God that no one hit me & that I didn't hit the guardrail or anyone on the road. The first thought I had was to contact 911; I'm sure I should've have called state police, but 911 seemed a good idea at the time. At first, the car stalled out and wouldn't start up again...but by the time I got connected to 911, the car started up and I was able to migrate to the emergency lane with the 911 rep on the phone who kept me calm. That experience really shook me up, but as the title states, I'm so blessed to have my life.

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